Abstract 2012 from European Parliament - Policy Department - Economic and Scientific Policy
Disease mongering (Pseudo-Disease Promotion) by the pharmaceutical industry aiming at economic benefit. Medical equipment manufacturers, insurance companies, doctors or patient groups may also use it for monetary gain or influence. It has increased in parallel with society's 'medicalisation' and the growth of the pharmaceutical complex. Due to massive investments in marketing and lobbying, ample use of internet and media, and the emergence of new markets, it is becoming a matter of concern, and policy makers should be aware of its perils and consequences.
A pdf published by the European Parliament Department of Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Pharmaceutical Medicines -
Before accepting a prescription, can we question our doctor about the benefit versus the possible harm we may suffer?
CLICK HERE: To understand How Promotion by the Industry is Shocking and needs to be understood by prescribers and patients.
an example of one session is " MARKETING TO THE LOWER SOCIO ECONOMIC GROUPS - Why your maarketing to consumers needs to be trashy, have a reading age of 9, lots of bold colours and still be legal. (by a Communications Management Consultant)
Amsterdam 2010 SELLING SICKNESS Conference
Part 1 of Selling Sickness and promotion of disease to sell drugs
Part 2 of Selling Sickness conference 2010
Part 3 of Selling Sickness conference Amsterdam 2010
supported by the WHO and Dutch Health Authorities at which APRIL presented a Poster The Dianette Story
A conference in Amsterdam October 2010 at which Dr Peter Mansfield who founded 'Healthy Skepticism' and speaks about the untrustworthy pharmaceutical industry in an interview.
Some of the talks are available here
Concern over the promotion of disease to sell drugs
Many of the talks are enlightning and the DSM is discussed by a contributor to DSM 1V Allan Francis
This is a video of Dr Allen J Francis speaking about his concerns about DSM5
Tamiflu - Pharmaceutical Promotion of drugs with doubtful benefit for patients -
UK Government Health Committee Inquiry into the Influences of the Pharmaceutical Industry