Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link
Promoting awareness of medicines that can harm mental health

Acid reflux medication Zoton

UK - Lansoprazole (Zoton)

USA and Canada - Prevacid

Group – Proton-Pump Inhibitor

Indication - Acid Reflux 

Psychiatric Adverse Effects

Dizziness, vertigo, confusion, blurred vision, hallucinations, feeling unwell, fatigue, tiredness, burning or prickling feeling, itching, fluid retention, depression agitation, amnesia, anxiety, depression libido decreased

As with other acid reducing drugs, men taking lansoprazole may occasionally experience temporary breast swelling or impotence.

You should see your doctor at once if you get a fever, diarrhea and/ or vomiting any unexplained bruising or bleeding, extreme fatigue, difficulty in urinating, if your skin or whites of your eyes become more yellow than usual or if you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction such as shortness of breath or face swelling.

As natural acid in the stomach helps to kill bacteria, the lowering of acid by acid-reducing drugs such as ZOTON may make some people more liable to suffer from certain stomach infections.

Alcohol increases the risk of side effects.

Repeat Prescriptions

Proton-pump-inhibitors are often obtained by patients on repeat prescriptions. The drug information manual of the USPDI  United States Pharmacopeial Convention Inc 1998, contains the following information regarding oral antacid medication.

For patients taking this medicine for increased stomach acid:

"Do not take it for more than 2 weeks unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Antacids should be used only for occasional relief.

Medicines Information from the UK manufacturers

During the 1980's the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) found that Zoton was being over prescribed at the rate of £50 million a year. They recommended that anyone with acid reflux should have a Helicobacter Pylori test to see if they had the bacteria that can cause ulcers. The industry were not happy about the findings and challenged NICE.

There are few people who are not offered this drug at some time and it is surely what is known in the industry as a 'block buster drug'

Be aware of interactions with other medicines..

Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)
If you have suffered psychiatric adverse reactions please report them. There may be side effects not mentioned on the data sheets. You can request a list of drugs used pre surgery and during surgery. You should be given patient information for all drugs prescribed as you are discharged from hospital.

Please report Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) to:

UK Yellow Card Reporting for Patient and Health Professional reports of Adverse Drug Reactions

USA and worldwide to the Food and Drug Administration for Patients and Healthcare Professionals

Universal free, independent drug safety website - Rxisk

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