Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link
Promoting awareness of medicines that can harm mental health



Dianette should only be prescribed for severe acne and for a short period. 

Dianette is not licensed as a contraceptive

The Summary of Prodiuct Cbaracteristics on the Electronic Medicines Compendium for Dianette lists under ''Common" side effects:

4.8 Undesirable effects: Adverse effects reported during clinical trials - 

Psychiatric disorders

depressed mood, mood altered

Known for the risk of DVT the drug is also a trigger for depression in many women.  Always consider stopping Dianette before prescribing antidepressants if a patient complains of feeling low, weeping, or depressed.

Over 100 women who have contacted APRIL state " The cloud lifted" when they stopped taking Dianette.

Dianette, the hormonal acne treatment manufactured by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer, has had a label change in the UK, following a number of reports of depression and suicidal thoughts. 
Patient Information Leaflets should now include this warning in each box of Dianette:
“Post-marketing reports of severe depression (including very rare reports of suicidal ideation or behaviour) in patients using Dianette have been received.  However, a causal relationship between clinical depression and Dianette has not been established.”


8 May 2006

Probe into Pill depression link

BBC NEWS about Dianette links to depression



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